About NAP Flyer: Easy Read version, text only. Who is NAP? Norfolk County Council pay NAP to offer advocacy services. NAP is a group of these organisations: The Bridge Plus, Age UK Norfolk, Age UK Norwich, Deaf Connexions, Equal Lives, Opening Doors, West Norfolk Deaf Association (WNDA) and MAP. What are our goals? To improve advocacy, promote advocacy, change the system and improve our intersectional approach. NAP advocates for systems-wide change across Norfolk. We aim to disable barriers for people of protected characteristics, from disability to age and race. What is intersectionality? Intersectionality is how the effects of different forms of discrimination combine and overlap. What do we advocate for? We want change in Norfolk. We want to remove barriers so everyone is equal, regardless of age, race and Disability. What is advocacy? An advocate in a professional who can support you to have your voice heard. They can help you understand the process of what you are going through. They can help you feel more confident. For example, they can help with housing, finance, child protection cases, accessibility issues, healthcare access and social care providers. Advocacy is about recognising the needs of people and making sure that their voice is heard. How can I contact you? Phone: 01508 491210, option 3. Email: info@norfolkadvocacy.org.uk Website: norfolkadvocacy.org.uk